Source code for hsdb

# coding: utf-8 

import sqlite3
from import TwilioRestClient

[docs]def add_anime(name, id): """This function adds an anime to the database and print weither it works or not :param name: Name of the anime to be added :param id: Episod number """ conn = get_sqlite_connexion() c = conn.cursor() try: c.execute("INSERT INTO anime (name, id) VALUES(?, ?)", (name, id,)) conn.commit() conn.close() print name + ' added successfuly' except: conn.commit() conn.close() print name + ' already exists or program error, contact /dev/null@nobody.gfy'
[docs]def delete_anime(name): """This function deletes an anime and print weither it works or not :param name: Name of the anime to be deleted """ conn = get_sqlite_connexion() c = conn.cursor() try: c.execute("DELETE FROM anime WHERE name = ?", (name,)) conn.commit() conn.close() print name + " supprime" except: conn.commit() conn.close() print name + " n'a pas pu etre supprime"
[docs]def get_animes(): """This function returns all the animes in the database :returns: A tuple of animes """ conn = get_sqlite_connexion() c = conn.cursor() animes = c.execute("SELECT * FROM anime order by name").fetchall() conn.close() return animes
[docs]def get_animes_for_print(): """This function prints all the animes in the database""" conn = get_sqlite_connexion() c = conn.cursor() for row in c.execute("SELECT * FROM anime order by name"): print row conn.close()
[docs]def get_sqlite_connexion(): """This function returns the sqlite connection :returns: The connetion with the database """ return sqlite3.connect('holyscrap.db')
[docs]def init_sql(): """This function intializes the database""" conn = get_sqlite_connexion() c = conn.cursor() c.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS anime (name str PRIMARY KEY, id INTEGER)") conn.commit() conn.close()
[docs]def update_anime(uName, uId): """This function updates an anime print a message and send an SMS :param uName: Name of the anime to be updated :param uId: Episod number to be updated """ conn = get_sqlite_connexion() c = conn.cursor() id_print = str(uId - 1) if isinstance(uId, (int, long)) else str(int(uId) - 1) try: c.execute("UPDATE anime SET id=? WHERE name=?", (uId, uName,)) conn.commit() conn.close() msg = "Episode " + id_print + " de " + uName + " telecharge" print msg # Send SMS account_sid = "AC7c01211c7cb2d3a65029434b3c2e8b78" auth_token = "79235d224f7e6d1e7d88def64de9ecd4" client = TwilioRestClient(account_sid, auth_token) message = client.messages.create(to="+33666785126", from_="+33644607059", body=msg) except: conn.commit() conn.close() print "Episode " + id_print + " de " + uName + " n'a pas pu etre update"